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BULLDOG WRESTLINGCMS Wrestling Team is Recruiting Members. Contact Coach White or Visit Wrestling Team Page, for More Information 

Wrestling conditioning will start October 23, 2024 from 4:30p-6p and TRYOUTS will occur Thursday, October 24, 2024, Friday, October 25, 2024 and Monday, October 28, 2024; 4:30p - 6:30pm.

Please CLICK HERE if you are interested in participating in Wresting or Use Link,  

Students must have all documents on RankOne completed and a current physical uploaded. Physical cannot be over one year old.  Any other questions regarding tryouts or schedules, please contact the Wrestling Coach (email listed below).  

Click here for directions of how to complete RankOne Forms

Athletic applications for medical physicals and form submissions are now done online through RankOne (click here). 

Click here for directions of how to complete RankOne Forms

The 2024-2025 Physical Forms are listed below.  Please print the applicable document(s) below and take to your doctor to complete. 

Physical History & Evaluation Form

Physical History Form Spanish

Physical History for Athletes with Disabilities

**PLEASE NOTE: Once completed, all forms must be uploaded and a student profile completed prior to participation in any CMS athletics.

Click here to complete your child's RankOne Profile.  

To participate in CMS Wrestling, students must:

* Must have a completed profile on Rank One.

*Be in good academic standing with the school

* Clean shorts, socks, and T-shirts.  

* Reliable transportation to be picked up on time each day. 


Part I: Conditioning (October 23, 2024)

Students will be going through a vigorous workout that will help build their muscular strength and endurance. Former members of the Wrestling Knights will come and teach several basic moves that are critical to the success of a wrestler. The expectation is that students will continue to improve their skill and conditioning on their own. All sessions will end at 6pm.

Part II: Tryouts (October 24, 2024, October 25, 2024 & October 28, 2024)

During this time, students will be evaluated on their classroom behavior, grades, attitude, effort, their ability to follow instructions, and by weight class. Tryouts will end at 6:30pm; the final team roster will be posted in the cafeteria by lunchtime October 31, 2024 and on the team announcement website (the roster page).  


Each student that makes the team is required to pay a wrestling fee of $50. The fee is due NO LATER than the day of our parent meeting on TBD  in the cafeteria.  Each wrestler will also be expected to purchase their own wrestling shoes (please do not purchase shoes until they have made the team). Please be on time to pick up your child.


Coach Keith White - Head Coach ([email protected])
Coach Montrease Jennings - Assistant Coach ([email protected])


Click Here to View/Print Wrestling Schedule 2024-2025

Click Here to View an Enlarged Version or to Print Schedule