Welcome to Conyers Middle School
School Information
Address: 400 Sigman Road, Conyers, GA 30012
Phone: 770-483-3371
Fax: 770-483-9448
Staff Directory
Grade Levels Served: 6-8
School Colors: Red and Black
School Mascot: Bulldogs
School Office Hours: 8:00am - 4:15pm
Student Hours: 8:45 a.m. - 3:55 p.m. (Doors open at 8:15am for students)
Current Student Enrollment: 1,000+
Current Faculty & Staff: 95
Year Opened: 1978
Specialty Choice Program: Aerospace Engineering
Strategic Plan
Please note:
To maintain a safe and orderly environment, adult supervision is not available before 8:15 a.m. Please do not drop off your child before school hours. To maintain a safe and orderly dismissal process, we cannot permit early student checkouts after 3:30pm. Thank you for your cooperation.
ID Policy/Visiting Our School:
Before you are buzzed into our school, please show your ID to the camera to your left and reveal your purpose for your visit prior to entering the building, this helps to assure student's and school's safety. Parents/visitors, will then be asked to physically check in at the front office to sign-in, show your State-issued Driver's License or State-issued ID, and then you will be provided a visitors’ badge that you will wear at all times while on our campus. Thank you, as we continue to keep the safety of our students a priority.
Early Check-Out/Dismissal:
We cannot permit early student checkouts/dismissals after 3:30pm. For the safety and integrity of our students, all parent(s)/guardian(s) must:
- • Present your State-issued Driver's License or State-issued ID (cell phone images or photocopies are not permitted)
- • Must be listed in Parent Portal/Infinite Campus
- • Provide a written excuse note the day following an absence/ or early check-out
Be advised, early dismissal will affect student attendance and class performance. Please follow up with your child's teacher to obtain any missing classwork/homework.
Transportation Changes:
To ensure safety for all our children, all transportation changes must be in writing. Please send a note with your child to turn in to the front office, first thing in the morning (before the end of homeroom); or if the need arises mid-day, emailed changes will be accepted. All transportation changes will be verified by phone with our front office personnel. All changes must occur prior to 3pm; after 3pm, students will go home using their normal mode of transportation. Emailed changes must include the following information:
- • Student's normal route home
- • What/how student's method is changing
- • Your (parent/guardian) State-issued Driver's License or State-issued ID (cell phone images or photocopies are not permitted)
- • Current contact phone number (for verification)
All Car Riders must be picked up by 4:15pm. Thank you for adhering to our policy.
Student Walkers:
All approved student walkers must have a parent/guardian signed Authorization Form on file. Approved walkers will be dismissed from school and must leave campus at the designated time. Any student remaining in the building after dismissal will be subject to a disciplinary consequence. Click HERE to print the CMS Walker Authorization Form. Please return the signed form to the CMS Front Office. Thank you for adhering to our policy as we continue to keep the safety of our students a priority.
Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices:
Student cell phones or electronic devices for personal use must be turned off and not visible during the entire school day. It is the students' responsibility to comply with this rule and it applies to use during instructional and non-instructional times such as lunch, wellness, class changes, etc. CMS supports the use of personal devices that are used for education purposes with educator's discretion. CMS assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen or damaged cell phones. Cell phones may not be used for making or receiving calls, text messaging, bullying, or taking pictures at any time on school grounds or school buses without teacher permission. Parents will be required to retrieve a confiscated cell phone from a school administrator between 4:10pm-5:00pm. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
RCPS Attendance Policy:
The student must attend class every day, on time, unless one or more of the following occur:
- • Personal illness or when attendance would endanger their health or the health of others
- • Illness or death in the immediate family
- • Celebrating a religious holiday
- • Absences mandated by other governmental agencies such as court order or pre-induction physical for the armed services
- • Conditions that render attendance impossible or hazardous to health or safety
- • Registering to vote or voting for a period not to exceed one day
- • The parent or legal guardian has been called to duty for or is on leave from overseas deployment to a combat zone or combat support - up to a maximum of five school days per school year
****If my child has to be absent from school because of one of the reasons listed above, I will submit a written note for any further absences within 3 days of my child's return to school.
Click Here to View the Entire RCPS District Attendance Policy
Partners In Education:
Thank you to our Partners in Education!

If you wish to build a Partnership with Conyers Middle School, please call 770-483-3371, or visit the Business Partner Page, by clicking here.