Tutoring at Conyers Middle School
In our continuous efforts to promote the success of our students, Conyers Middle School offers a number of ways students can receive additional support and instruction while learning new concepts and standards.
Aside from in-person classroom instruction, the following support options are available to students: CMS Class Grade Recovery; CMS Amnesty Days; CMS Georgia Milestones Saturday Academy; CMS ENCORE After School Tutorial; Rockdale Student Online Support; or 24-hour Tutor.com Tutoring Support offered through a partnership with RCPS and Tutor.com Read each description and click on highlighted areas below for more information.
CMS ENCORE Afterschool Tutorial Academy
CMS ENCORE Afterschool Tutorial Program (click here to register) (Utilice el enlace https://forms.office.com/r/F9VYVQHeJT para registrar al estudiante en el tutorial Encore o haga clic AQUÍ) is teacher-led tutoring and is offered after school Mondays and Wednesdays. The Program will focus on remediating various unmet 6th, 7th, and 8th grade key content standards, as well as developing skills to master these standards. Due to the importance of maximizing time with the students, students will be required to fully engage in the tutorial process and follow all codes of conduct. Face-to-face sessions will occur Mondays and Wednesday from 4:15pm–5:30pm. Questions regarding the CMS ENCORE program should be directed to Ms. Sonja Lewis [email protected] or 770-483-3371
Grades, Subjects, and Schedule (Afterschool Academy)
8th, 7th & 6th Grade
Mon & Wed– Math & ELA
Scheduled Dates for 1st Semester (Oct 2024-Dec 2024):
Oct. 28, 29, 30
Nov. 4, 6,11,12, 13, 18, 19, 20
Dec. 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11
Scheduled Dates for 2nd Semester (Jan 2025 – May 2025):
Jan. 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29
Feb. 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 24, 25, 26
Mar. 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26
Apr. 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30
To Register for Fall 2024-2025 CMS ENCORE Afterschool Tutorial Academy Click Here
The CMS Georgia Milestones Saturday Academy is an opportunity for our students to become proficient with grade level standards in preparation for the upcoming Georgia Milestones Assessments. The Academy will offer a variety of activities to increase student achievement and will focus on various 6th - 8th Grade key standards. This program will offer an impactful experience for students to be the recipients of remediation, enrichment, and exposure.
The CMS Georgia Milestones Saturday Academy sessions will be face to face from 9am - 1pm in the Spring 2025 Saturdays (TBD at a later time):
Click HERE to Register Your Student for GMAS Saturday Academy
CMS Class Grade
Class Grade Recovery is a program designed to
help students gain additional competencies and improve their course grades
earned during the first semester. Ultimately, it is an opportunity for students
to stay on track for promotion. Students with a final first
semester grade between 55-64 can receive a new grade
of a 70 for first semester. Students with a final first semester grade between
65-69 average can receive a new grade of a 74 for first semester. Students must
complete credit recovery modules.
For questions regarding CMS Class Grade Recovery, please contact Ms. Sonja
Lewis [email protected]or 770-483-3371.
Scheduled Saturdays, 9am -
Course Offerings CMS Class Grade Recovery 6th/7th
8th Grades
English Language Arts
Social Studies
***Failure to recover 1st
Semester courses may negatively impact student’s promotional status. ***
Click Here to Register for Class Grade Recovery
Rockdale Student Online Support Tutoring
RCPS and Tutor.com have partnered to provide live, online tutoring services for RCPS students! Quarantined RCPS students in grades 6-12 can access live tutors on-demand, 24/7, as part of the QUEST (Quarantine Education for Students) program. RCPS students in grades K-12 can access the same expert tutors after school. Find more information using the link, https://bit.ly/3C6b59w
Students can access Tutor.com through their ClassLink Landing Page on an internet browser on their school-issued laptop or device, which will automatically sign in the student to their account. Or they can visit https://launchpad.classlink.com/rockdale and sign in using their school network account.
Tutor.com offers one-to-one learning solutions for students by connecting learners with qualified, expert tutors online, on-demand, 24/7. RCPS students access Tutor.com through clicking on the above icon after they have logged into ClassLink. Tutoring services are provided in more than 200 academic subjects and test preparation areas in an engaging and uplifting learning environment.
Informational Video: Tutor.com for K-12 Schools: Demo for Students and Parents- YouTube
How it works (English): HIW Classroom 2021.pdf (tutor.com)
How it works (Spanish): HIW Guide 2019 SPANISH FORM.pdf (tutor.com)
Parent Resources: For Parents/Caregivers Tutor.com for K-12 Schools
Tutor.com 101 for K-12 students - YouTube Playlist
How to Connect to a Tutor
How to Talk to your Tutor during a Live Session