Welcome To CMS Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA)!
Congratulations to the CMS PTSA Board! To learn more email us, [email protected]

Please click the image above or use the link, https://jointotem.com/ga/conyers/conyers-ms-pta to join the CMS Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA). We hope you are able to volunteer for some of the exciting events we have planned at CMS this year. Have you joined our PTSA this year? Visit the CMS Parent Center for more information about our PTSA. Online dues payments may be made via our CashApp ID @CMSPTSA1 or use QR Code

If you are interested in serving on the Conyers Middle School PTA Executive Board or as a Committee Chair, please contact:
[email protected]
The CMS PTSA Executive Team for 2024 – 2026:

Office hours are by appointment only, considering the Board's work schedules--please email the Board directly to make an appointment: [email protected] Feel free to send an email to let us know how we can help you and ways you can volunteer.
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CMS Business Directory
What's Happening Next? Take a Look! Get Involved!
Board Meeting: Are held the last Thursday of each month. Please contact the PTA if you are interested in attending this meeting as the location may change.
Check-In Sessions: The dates for the PTSA Check-In Sessions are:
TBD for School Year 2024-2025.
General Meetings: The next General Meeting is Tues. Nov. 12, 2024 at 6p -7p. Come out to meet the officers and volunteer to become a Committee Chair. Please attend these important meetings. If you are not able to attend but would like to serve, please email the PTSA!!
All meetings are scheduled from 6:00pm - 7:00pm and will be held in the CMS Media Center, unless otherwise noted. Please continue to check back, as we need parent volunteers for all the upcoming activities. Thanks!
We look forward to seeing you and getting your input!
Benefits of PTSA Involvement
Research has shown children do better when parents are involved at home and school.
• Grades are higher. Test scores rise. Self-esteem grows. Schools improve.
• PTA helps parents learn what is going on at school
• Parents gain a connection with teachers and administrators within the school
• School building & grounds improve with educational programs & social events
• Parents become a role model, showing the importance of education to your child
• Membership also includes State and National PTA membership
• Opportunity to put your skills and hobbies to good use for a great cause
• A network to meet other parents, build rapport and discuss parenting issues
• Resources on tips for helping your child with homework, preparing for parent-teacher conferences and working with administrators and school district staff